Mini Moments Story Kits

The start of a new journey...

Children thrive on familiarity, predictability and routine but life happens.

Change happens.

As parents we can support our little ones as they adapt.

These personalised story kits will help your little one 

understand, prepare and connect

 to the changes happing in their world.

Once upon a time...

there was a little boy who loved building, big machines, reading, climbing and his dog, Inka.

In a world full of change and adventure, the little boy often seemed quite content to sit back and observe until he became comfortable and ready. He often found himself ready to join in and play just as the adventure was ending. In an effort to support her little one, his Mama (me!) drew on her teaching knowledge and created books. Books about his world: his family + friends, childcare, his new home and most importantly, becoming a big brother. The little boy was now able to visualise his changing world.

From my time as a primary school teacher, I know the value of routines, preparation and visual learning in the classroom. This inspired me to create something to help children thrive in a constantly changing world. Given that all children are different and their own parents and care givers know them best, I wanted to create something that is fully customised to suit your family.